
These 5 popular emotions could kill you



Emotions are an inherent part of our existence, we all feel different feelings based on events and our environment.

Emotions have a tremendous impact on our physical and mental health. Research has shown that emotional pain is as painful as physical pain.

These five common emotions can negatively impact health

Because anger triggers the release of stress hormones like noradrenaline and adrenaline, it can raise the risk of cardiovascular issues and potentially induce heart attacks.

When the amygdala region of the brain overreacts, blood rushes to the frontal lobe, inciting aggressive reactions.

According to a study published in AAA journals, anger has the potential to alter the heart’s pumping capacity over time, raising blood pressure and increasing the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, and metabolic syndrome.

Loneliness is an emotion that is damaging and can increase the chance of dying young. It raises blood pressure, negatively influences sleep quality, and raises stress hormone levels. When you are experiencing isolation, your immune system can be weakened.

A meta-analysis published by Campaign to End Loneliness found that loneliness was associated with a 32% higher risk of stroke and a 29% higher risk of heart disease. Individuals who are 45 years of age or older and live alone face a 27% higher chance of dying from heart disease.

Stress is an emotion that can cause physical symptoms such as headaches, clenching of the teeth, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, palpitations, and changes in appetite, according to WebMD and Healthline.

People who are under stress are more likely to become ill because they are unable to look after themselves. Stress hormones impact the cardiovascular and respiratory systems by raising blood pressure and causing quicker breathing.

Additionally, stress hormones impair immunity, increasing a person’s susceptibility to viral infections such as the flu and the common cold. Furthermore, stress might lengthen the time it takes to heal from a disease or accident.

Shock is a powerful emotion that can alter brain structure, especially in the frontal cortex, the area where the emotional and survival instinct brains intersect. This was stated in a study titled ‘Understanding Emotions: Origins and Roles of the Amygdala’ published in the National Library of Science.

When the body is in shock, it restricts blood flow, and where there is insufficient blood flow to the body, organs may become oxygen-starved, potentially leading to death.

Sadness and grief can significantly impact physical and mental health, with bereavement directly affecting heart health. Studies have shown that it can lead to digestive disorders, heart disease, obesity, and chronic pain.

According to WebMD, Intense grief can lead to “broken heart syndrome,” a heart disease resembling a heart attack due to significant changes in the heart muscle. Other health problems associated with these issues include substance use disorders, respiratory illnesses, and thyroid issues.

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