7 simple exercises one can do in office to lose up to 5 kgs
Maintaining a healthy weight can be challenging, especially with the sedentary nature of...
Peegasms: What causes orgasm while peeing and urination while orgasming
An orgasm is a sensation that is usually experienced after sexual arousal. It...
10 photos that’ll make you fall for NYC
New York is famed for many things, like artistic prowess, iconic landmarks, and...
How chewing gum can help reduce acid reflux
Acid reflux, can be quite uncomfortable, but what if you come to know...
7 signs you’re tricking yourself into staying in a toxic relationship
In contemporary society, where relationships are frequently idealized as the pathway to happiness,...
5 drinks that increase v*ginal wetness and lubrication
Why does the vagina become dry? Studies have shown a drop in oestrogen...
Why men give their entire salary to their wives to spend in Japan
In Japan, husbands surrender their whole wages and other earnings to their wives...
4 foods to naturally combat menstrual pain
According to UNICEF, women spend an average of seven years of their lives...
What not to say to a friend going through a breakup
Seeing a friend suffer through the heartache of a breakup is tough. You...
World’s most dangerous roads for extreme road trips
Sarved into remote, mountainous terrains with unforgiving cliffs and precipitous drops, these roads...
5 reasons you might see blood in your poop
In many cases, this issue is treatable with home care or medical intervention....
7 simple tips to make fried chicken juicy
Are you someone who loves fried chicken, but making it at home always...
7 instant mood-boosters if you are having a bad day at office
We all have good and not-so-good days at work. But there are times...
5 worst cooking oils for your health
When it comes to cooking, the type of oil you use can have...
4 myths about healthy s*x that we all are guilty of believing
It is easy to believe that good sex is the one that climaxes...
8 tips to deal with quarrelsome neighbors
Living in close proximity to neighbors can sometimes lead to conflicts, ranging from...
Working from home? This is the best time of the day to shower
When work from home was announced in March, we all thought it would...
The African tribe with the tallest people in the world
Among the diverse and culturally rich tribes of Africa, the Tutsi people stand...
8 types of elephant found around the world
Elephants are the largest and most intelligent land animals, with three extant species:...
How to know if someone is a true friend
The relationships can be fleeting and superficial, but the value of genuine friendship stands out...
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to keep her children in South Africa
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to her estranged husband Jakob Schlichtig. The marriage ended after...