How to bake a sponge cake using a rice cooker
Baking a sponge cake in a rice cooker can be a convenient alternative...
7 pleasure spots every guy wants you to touch
Ladies, here’s how you can step up your game of seduction to next...
5 zodiac signs who you can trust with money
It is not easy to entrust someone with your finances because people can...
South Africa makes list of top destinations for booze-free travel
South Africa has many attractions that push locals and tourists to trek its...
5 signs that you are losing muscles instead of fat
Losing weight is no joke. From making some strict diet changes to pushing...
Here’s how to maintain your expensive leather belongings
It’s an evening of your life and you’re looking dapper! As you put...
5 foods that expire sooner than you think
We bring you the list of foods that you must use as soon...
Did you know Ethiopia is 7 years behind the rest of the world?
Have you ever dreamt of stepping back in time? Well, in Ethiopia, you...
This is why you should never punish your child
Parenting is a challenging journey filled with countless decisions, and one hot topic...
How to agreeably disagree with your boss
No relationship, whether personal or professional, can be devoid of disagreements. However, when...
4 things you shouldn’t do when your ex moves on
Breaking up is never easy, and discovering that your ex has moved on...
5 reasons why diabetics shouldn’t take honey
While honey is a natural sweetener and has certain health benefits, individuals with...
7 beauty treatments that can actually be harmful
While many beauty treatments promise radiant skin and a youthful appearance, some can actually be...
How pregnancy can affect your eyesight
Though uncommon, some women may experience changes in vision or eye-related issues during...
5 of the world’s oldest structures, and how they originally looked
Let’s journey through the annals of time, and uncover architectural wonders that still...
Beginner-friendly recipe for making delicious plantain pancakes
Plantain pancakes are not your usual pancakes, and are perfect for breakfast or...
Why you should prioritize lifting weights in the gym
Gone are the days when women shy away from lifting weights in the...
4 ways to stay on track if you’re going vegan for January
Since being introduced in 2014, Veganuary has transformed into so much more than a 31-day...
Top 10 cheapest shopping destinations in the world
If you love shopping, then you should definitely bookmark this. Retail therapy is...
5 ways women control their men without uttering a word
It’s not uncommon for partners to influence one another. However, when influence turns...
7 interesting facts about airline food
Airline food has evolved over the years, with many interesting aspects that go beyond just...