The biggest red flags to notice in women
Those women who seem to have a perfect record of themselves always seem...
5 things you need to do before the baby arrives
Congratulations! Your baby will finally be here in a few months, weeks or...
7 TikTok food trends that went viral in 2022
Social media sites have become a hub for experiments and when it comes...
5 best places to sleep under the stars in Africa
Today, camps across East and South Africa are offering new and innovative types...
5 ways to manage your doomscrolling habit
Doomscrolling, according to Merriam-Webster, is “the tendency to continue to surf or scroll...
9 surprising uses for white vinegar
White vinegar, sometimes called distilled or spirit vinegar, has been a mainstay in...
4 things to keep in mind before saying yes to an arranged marriage
Sure, love marriages are romantic and dreamy and you are filled with the...
These qualities make December born kids exceptional
People born in the last month of the year are known to be...
5 foods you should always have in your bento box
A bento box is a Japanese-style lunch box. It’s not actually just a...
Workplace romance: 4 questions to ask yourself before dating someone from the office
In the digital age, online dating and swiping right are the status quo...
4 foods that can easily fix grey hair
Blame it on the increasing stress, unhealthy lifestyle and wrong eating habits, premature...
5 ingredients you should know are harmful to your pets
It is very important to look after our furry friends, especially their health...
Why you should learn to do your hair at home
Getting your hair done at the salon feels great. We all love to...
Brown eggs vs. white eggs: Which is healthier?
Chicken eggs come in both white and brown colors. Both are also easily...
How to mentally prepare for a baby
Parenthood isn’t just a journey you can jump into without any plan and...
5 facts every woman should know about body scrubs
Using body scrubs is more than a trend; it’s actually full of benefits...
The ultimate guide to growing herbs at home
Creating a herb garden is an easy way to teach young children how...
How to not let anyone take advantage of you at work
In life there are 2 kinds of people. One is a hard worker...
9 countries with the lowest divorce rates in the world 2022
Marriage and love. The majority of those looking for a love companion want...
9 calcium rich foods for those who are lactose intolerant
Calcium is an important mineral and is involved in several bodily functions. In...
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to keep her children in South Africa
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to her estranged husband Jakob Schlichtig. The marriage ended after...