Top 3 digital skills that can earn you money
The internet has made the world a global village through its various means...
Are you experiencing hair loss after weight loss? Here’s why
Temporary hair loss or telogen effluvium is often seen after weight loss. It...
5 foods that can help a pregnant woman induce labor
When you’ve been pregnant for 9 months, you might be feeling a little...
10 apps & companies no longer working in Russia
With the ongoing war with Ukraine, many companies are ‘cancelling’ Russia by refusing...
6 reasons why you should consider keeping your relationship private
The world today is filled with a lot of public relationships. Sometimes, it...
Drinking wine with meals may reduce type 2 diabetes risk, study suggests
Drinking wine, with meals is associated with a lower risk of developing type...
6 reasons why people choose freelancing as career option
Online work attracts people since they find it lucrative and easy. There are...
4 simple hacks to get thick eyebrows
Thick eyebrows are back with a bang and if are still flaunting thine...
4 reasons why Aries women make the best lovers
Aries women are not only outgoing and courageous, but they are also some...
9 things you should do often to get rid of flabby arms
Shedding stubborn body fat can be difficult, especially if it is concentrated in...
What you need to know before going bald
So, you’ve been thinking of what to do with your hair for a...
3 ways to survive ‘no contact’ stage after break-up
Quitting something cold turkey disrupts our perfect world, and because our perfect world...
5 ways you can firm up your skin
With age, skin starts to lose its firmness and begins to sag. Collagen,...
Are your diet and mood linked? Read on to find out
If you’re feeling a bit down because of the miserable weather some other...
The difference between dating and hanging out
The differences between dating and hanging out can sometimes hard to spot. In...
5 things you should never do on a Sunday
Sundays are great… until you realise it is getting late and you have...
Cryptic pregnancy: What it is and why it happens
Pregnancy comes with lots of changes in the body, which starts showing up...
5 signs of an unhealthy v*gina every lady needs to know
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A perfect guide to deal with money issues while in a relationship
Money and relationships are two interesting subjects that intertwine with each other. One...
How to use peppermint oil to treat acne
Acne is the worst fear for us girls. Though pretty common, but acne...
Cassper Nyovest appreciates fans for the success of his single ‘Kusho Bani’
Cassper Nyovest celebrates the success of his hit single Kusho Bani as he prepares for...
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