5 reasons why men don’t vent to their wives or girlfriends
It’s important to note that these reasons can vary from individual to individual,...
5 countries where WhatsApp is banned
WhatsApp stands out as one of the most widely utilized social media platforms...
7 zodiac signs who love with all their heart
Some people treat love like it is the most important thing in the...
5 tips and tricks to keep your sun-stressed skin soft and glowy
Extreme weather conditions cause changes in skin parameters, level of skin hydration, loss...
Meet Jean-Michel Basquiat, the world’s most expensive painting artist
Jean-Michel Basquiat, who was an influential American artist, journeyed from a graffiti artist...
4 best ways to prevent a hangover
One question that most people go looking out for on the web every...
Children should be allowed to get bored, expert says
Children should be allowed to get bored so they can develop their innate...
How to make chicken nuggets at home
Here’s a simple recipe for homemade chicken nuggets: Ingredients: 1 pound boneless, skinless...
We found the 3 worst years to be alive
The events that make a year good or bad are often traced to...
6 ways to get your husband to listen to you
Communication is an essential aspect of any relationship, and it can be frustrating...
5 summer essentials for your next beach holiday
Packing for a holiday should never feel like a chore. Especially when you’re...
4 medicines pregnant women should avoid
Being pregnant and sick at the same time can be a worrisome experience....
5 effective exercises that help regulate menstrual cycle naturally
Regulating the menstrual cycle is essential for many women who experience irregular periods,...
6 fashions trends in the 90s that are still in vogue
In the ever-revolving carousel of trends, the age-old wisdom of Ecclesiastes resonates as...
South Africa’s most expensive home remains a mystery
South Africa’s most expensive home, at R700 million, continues to drive the mystery...
6 money questions to ask your partner before getting married
So you are head over heels in love with your partner and all...
How to handle stress triggers at work
With so much going on in our daily lives, stress is an unwelcome...
World’s oldest hotel that still serves customers was founded in 705 AD!
In a rapidly changing world, where businesses come and go, one exceptional establishment...
5 healthy ways to suppress your libido
Suppressing one’s libido may not be a healthy or sustainable solution, as sexual...
How to earn money while living abroad
Many people dream of traveling the world. They save up money, get going,...
5 most powerful Kings in South Africa and their titles
South Africa is home to several powerful monarchs who continue to play influential roles in...