10 best aerobic exercises for weight loss
Aerobic exercises are easy to follow, quickest in application and not all of...
Short-sleepers are more likely to suffer from irregular and heavy periods
Menstruating women who sleep less than six hours a night tend to suffer...
Gaming addiction in kids: Here are the harmful effects you must know
Kids today are addicted to gaming. Recently there are many games which have...
10 ways to take care of coloured hair and keep it radiant
We all have been experimenting with our hair, especially during the lockdown phase....
9 signs to know if you’re being used for s*x or money
It’s a fact of life that you will inevitably run into people who...
These zodiac signs are very bossy
Some people love to order other people around. They have a very controlling...
Here’s how cleaning helps reduce stress
People will always give you a generic solution to stress. Talk to someone,...
4 gorgeous places you must visit on your next trip to Germany
Petite towns, fairy tale castles, historic cities, splendid mounts, and captivating forests- Germany...
Does pomegranate juice boost fertility men & women?
Pomegranates are one of the healthiest fruits on Earth. This fruit is a...
5 types of people who can ruin your life
There are people who help you, are good for your growth and have...
Weight loss: Facts you should know about the ‘10,000 steps’ rule
What is so unique about walking 10,000 steps daily? Why is it only...
7 of the worst things you can do in relationships
No one ever said relationships are easy 100 percent of the time. In...
Easy & quick method to make red velvet cookies
If you are someone who loves the delicious taste and texture of red...
5 ways to rekindle lost adult friendships
Lives completely change after the pandemic. Rather than meeting in person, people began...
Love bites during s*x: A risky fetish or harmless kink?
Are you into love bites? Here are some things to know. The gist...
Here’s why you need to add olive oil to your skincare routine
Are you thinking about your new skincare product for your skin? Then, buy...
4 red flags that tell you your spouse is slowly eroding your self-esteem
Have you noticed a change in the way you see yourself from the...
6 signs you have an ear infection & how to prevent it
Ear infection have mostly been linked with children, but in reality they still...
10 mistakes parents make when they visit a pediatrician
It isn’t uncommon for parents to get overwhelmed when it comes to their...
Starting a new relationship the right way: 8 key etiquette rules for the talking stage
When getting to know a potential lover, you do not want to mess it up....