5 best online dating Apps to find relationships
Looking to find a serious relationship in the age of coronavirus? With doctors...
Why sedentary lifestyle is bad for you
The modern lifestyle is a mostly sedentary one with most people spending more...
Top 5 South African foods you need to try
South Africa is by far the most cosmopolitan country in Africa and has...
7 simple ways to reduce stress and anxiety
The human body is designed to experience stress and react to it. Stress...
How to use onion juice to grow your hair
There are people who are naturally gifted with fuller hair, but there are...
5 amazing habits for the best skin ever
Don’t assume you’ll need to invest serious cash or follow some boring rules...
5 tips for managing anxiety in relationship when your spouse is not preventative during Covid-19
When it comes to Covid-19 and sheltering at home, we’re all dealing with...
Pro and Cons of social networking
Social networking has changed the way we communicate, do business, get our daily...
8 powerful health benefits of pineapple you should know
Pineapple was regarded as the healthiest fruit in the world for some seriously...
Tempted to cheat? Here’s what to do when it feels too difficult to stay faithful
The least that is expected of you is to have the balls to...
25 quick and fascinating facts about the human body
How often do we stop to consider how extraordinary our bodies are? These...
Eating an early dinner can help you burn fat, lower your blood sugar
Conventional wisdom is that a calorie is a calorie, no matter when you...
6 signs of an emotional disconnected relationship
It is very heartbreaking to see two people who loved each other so...
5 foods you probably didn’t know were vegan
The amount of trendy restaurants, food blogs, and vegan-friendly products has exploded in...
Signs you’re secretly an introvert
A stereotypical introvert may be the one at the party who’s hanging out...
Amazing secrets for growing your business quickly
New business owners have numerous goals when they’re starting out, including rapid growth...
Medical Marijuana: The debate about the pros and cons continues
The medical marijuana debate has been the “talk of the town” discussion for...
6 incredible benefits of papaya for health and skin
Papayas grow in tropical climates and are also known as papaws or pawpaws....
If your partner never says “I love you,” Here’s the truth about it
If your partner doesn’t say “I love you” , or hasn’t said it...
Common professional email mistakes and how to avoid them
When you send a professional email, it is competing with an average of...
Drinking water in plastic bottles can cause these health problems
c water bottles are so commonly found that people would rather buy them than carry...