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DJ Dimplez’ family reveals cause of death in an official statement
Boitumelo Athiel Mooi who is professionally known as DJ Dimplez has been confirmed...
Focalistic is excited over being the first SA artist to perform at O2 Arena, London
Focalistic is super elated after performing on stage with Davido at the O2...
Tbo Touch returns to mainstream radio after seven years
TV and Radio personality Tbo Touch is reportedly returning to mainstream radio after...
5 ways you can firm up your skin
With age, skin starts to lose its firmness and begins to sag. Collagen,...
Are your diet and mood linked? Read on to find out
If you’re feeling a bit down because of the miserable weather some other...
The difference between dating and hanging out
The differences between dating and hanging out can sometimes hard to spot. In...
5 things you should never do on a Sunday
Sundays are great… until you realise it is getting late and you have...
Cryptic pregnancy: What it is and why it happens
Pregnancy comes with lots of changes in the body, which starts showing up...
Mome Mahlangu reflects on some of the memorable moments she had with Riky Rick
Mome Mahlangu has made it known that she is still hurting following...
#Coming2America: Nomzamo Mbatha reminisces on her role as she celebrates one year of the movie
Nomzamo Mbatha is celebrating a huge milestone and she cannot be more...
Minnie Dlamini pens down appreciation message to Venus Williams
Minnie Dlamini has taken to her social media to pen down appreciation...
Inside King Monada’s house-warming party (Photos)
King Monada hosts family members and friends in his new house to celebrate....
Minnie Dlamini models at Paris Fashion Week 2022 (Photos)
Minnie Dlamini is elated as she models a stunning outfit at the Paris...
Big Zulu and Bonang Matheba spark dating rumor (Video)
Big Zulu and Bonang Matheba got brows raised with a recent video that...
Lootlove teases new own alcohol brand – Video
Lootlove has taken to her social media to tease her new project...
Bonang reportedly unfollows Nadia on Instagram
Bonang Matheba has unfollowed Nadia Nakai on Instagram and Twitter users are...
5 signs of an unhealthy v*gina every lady needs to know
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Mzansi Magic cancels ‘The Queen’ after 7 Years on air
Mzansi Magic has made it known that they are parting a ways...
A perfect guide to deal with money issues while in a relationship
Money and relationships are two interesting subjects that intertwine with each other. One...
Rachel shines on Women’s Health magazine cover
Rachel is the cover star for Women’s Health magazine, March/April 2025 edition. The South African...