
SAHRC says Clicks advert debacle dismantles years of work for equality


The South African Human Rights Commission said it is planning to have a meeting with the individuals involved in the Clicks advert so as to prevent a repetition of the same incident.

The commission said the advert has dismantled years of work done to regulate equality of all in South Africa.

The SAHRC’s Andre Gaum said the commission wants to know the measures Clicks will use to avoid such type of advert to surface again.

Hair has for many years, been the cause of great harm and hurt for black women and girls.”

Clicks posted on Friday about a hair advert that portrayed black women’s hair as ‘Frizzy and Dull’ & ‘Dry and Damaged,’ while white women’s hair portrayed as ‘Normal and Fine.’

Moreover, Clicks have suspended two of its employees following the controversy surrounding the advert.

Vikesh Ramsunder, Clicks Group CEO said the incident that happened looks so disappointing which would lead to transformation for the organisation.

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