
7 things insecure people do that slowly destroy their lives



Insecure people have a different approach to life than other people.

Unfortunately, this often hinders their growth and makes their daily lives harder to deal with.

Here are ten things insecure people do that slowly destroy their live—make sure you don’t have any of these qualities in your life!

1. They live in fear of judgement

Insecure people always worry about what other people are thinking. And they don’t think they’re coming out on top. Insecure people feel like they are always being judged, and not for who they truly are. This is often because they see themselves as inferior, and can’t understand how other people would see them as anything else.

2. They avoid meeting new people

Those who are insecure don’t like meeting new people, for a variety of reasons. They might be scared of the aforementioned judgement. They might not trust themselves to be confident in social situations, or might not think they’re interesting enough to hold a conversation.

3. They don’t believe they’re good enough

Insecure people never think they’re good enough—for anything, for meeting new people, for deserving friends, for the next promotion at work. They could be the nicest, funniest, most driven person, but they’ll never see themselves that way. They don’t think anyone can see them as a good person because they don’t feel like they are.

4. They’re not true to themselves

Insecure people are the ones who most often become those around them. They’re like chameleons in social situations, adapting to their surroundings to try and fit in better. They don’t feel comfortable being themselves, so they try to become anyone else.

5. They live in a world with denial

Insecure people are able to deny anything and everything. They don’t take facts as facts; they’re able to write them off as nothing. Even if all the signs are pointing towards a positive situation, an insecure person will deny it all just to stay on their doomed track.

6. They’re doomed to fail

Because insecure people have no faith in themselves, they’re doomed to fail. They never pump themselves up for a promotion at work, and they can’t build up enough confidence to hit on that cute stranger at the bar. Instead of just swallowing their nerves and going for any dream, they think of the worst and insist that they’re doomed to fail. They’re so sure of this outcome that they won’t even try.

7. They don’t trust others

Insecure people don’t trust themselves, but they don’t trust others, either. They are often paranoid, thinking that everyone else is judging them, or out to get them. They don’t think they can have friends because they don’t think they’re valuable people. They can’t have a relationship because they think their partner is cheating on them and lying to them.

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