
5 things that can negatively affect trust between partners



The thing about trust is that although it takes times to build, it does not take too much to lose it.

It often takes some time to warm up to another person completely, and for some, it may even be difficult to let down their guard easily. Once the trust is achieved though, they may love truly and trust deeply.

A woman or woman in love will make excuses for you when you are not getting it right, they will stand by you when you are yet to find your feet and be there for you when you need someone to lean on.

But the thing about trust is that although it takes time to build, it does not take too much to lose. While your partner may give you a long leash because of the love they have for you, there are still things you should avoid so as not to abuse that trust.

Some of those 4 things are listed below:

1. Avoid situations that require apologies

A good partner would recognise that they have roles, duties and responsibilities, and would act accordingly.

That way you. they do not need to apologise for disappointing the significant other. If you can build a habit of doing things expected of you and living up to your promises, you can be sure to never lose your partner’s belief in you.

2. Don’t be unapologetic

Sometimes circumstances occur beyond your control. When these uncontrollable things happen and affect your ability to deliver on a promise made or causes some actions you would normally not take, be apologetic enough and give accurate explanations for why you were unable to do what you said you would, or for why you did what you shouldn’t have.

3. Do you keep private stuff private?

If you are quick to share every sensitive secret you are trusted with to him or her, won’t it be long before they start to wonder if their own secrets are even safe with you?

Let’s say this level of openness may be forgiven and tagged as ‘lover’s privilege,’ the next question will be; do you treat their secrets with the utmost confidence, or do you make it a topic of gist amongst your friends? The former is great, the latter is not a good idea.

4. How you talk about people you ‘care’ about

Do you say bad things about people you ‘care’ about behind their backs? Do you belittle them and make them sound or look like nothing when they are not there?

This could also affect the way you are seen, and the amount of trust your partner will have in you.

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