
Why it’s so important to be with a partner who is your equal



Finding someone to settle down with as a long-term partner isn’t easy, but if you’re going to grow old with someone, it needs to be with the right person.

Finding a partner that is your equal will remove a lot of potential problems and your relationship will be much more likely to last forever.

Here’s why you should only ever be with someone who’s on your level.

1. You won’t feel like you’re settling

There’s nothing worse for a relationship than for one partner to feel like they settled for less than they think they deserve. When someone believes they’ve downgraded in their relationship or could do better, they’re more likely to look outside the partnership for someone that’s better suited for them.

2. You can challenge each other

No, not like a challenge of physical strength (although that might be a good thing if you’re both into running marathons or lifting weights). You challenge each other emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. Both of you refuse to let the other give up. You help each other set goals and meet them.

3. You can grow together

As your relationship goes through ups and downs, both of you grow as people. You become better when you’re together. You accomplish bigger things. You deal with problems and are stronger when the two of you are working on them. Growth bonds you together.

4. You’ll make major decisions together

Important decisions are made through conversation, communication, and balancing out what is best for the two of you. One person’s opinions and ideas are not more important than the other’s so you make decisions together.

5. Income discrepancy will be less likely to cause tension

If you have jobs that earn a similar income, there’s less likely to be a problem deciding who pays for what. Each of you contributes equally to the expenses of your household. Even if one earns less money, you’re still equals and the value of each person’s work is the same.

6. You won’t feel like you partner is holding you back

People in relationships with someone who they don’t feel is their equal may feel that their partner is holding them back from things like career advancement, emotional growth, or other goals. Both of your dreams and aspirations are important, so neither partner would hold the other back, even if the other is reaching for targets that aren’t as important to them.

7. You won’t feel pressured by high expectations

If you and your partner have the same or similar aspirations in life, you won’t feel pressured about expectations. When one has bigger plans than the other person, it can result in pressure to do more in life. That pressure can cause rifts and disagreements and leave one person feeling like they are not doing enough.

8. Running a household will be more evenly balanced

Equal partners understand the importance of sharing household work. No one ends up doing more because there’s an understanding that each of them is responsible for chores. After all, both of you live there.

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