
7 things you need to know about pimples and acne



Pimples are pretty much a problem for most adults and teens out there.

At some point in our lives, we’ve had cause to go through the problem, and considering how frustrating it can be – desperation to get rid of it makes it easy to fall for all sorts of lies and myths about it.

The truth about pimples and acne is that they are mostly hormonal and genetic. They are caused by a clogging of the skin pores which become infected and inflamed over time.

But of course, the condition is very treatable. There are loads of treatments available for patients of pimples and acne, you just need to know which is true and effective for your skin type.

We all have heard all sorts of things concerning it, but not all are true. In this article we’ll be sharing some things about pimples and acne you should know.

1. Regular face wash won’t lessen you acne

Most people believe that acne is caused by an accumulation of dirt on the face. However, if you have acne prone skin, as a matter of fact, it is better to wash your face at most every 12 hours (two times a day). Washing your face too often can irritate your pores and make them produce more sebum which will cause (more) acne.

2. Facial peels can’t cure acne

Chemical peels are really good for acne, especially glycolic acid peels but they do not cure acne; they just make the skin appear better.

3. Diet and acne are not particularly related

We should all eat healthy because what we put in our body reflects on our bodies, this is true, but in the case of acne it is very hormonal and gene related and food has nothing to do with it most of the time. Know your body, and know what isn’t healthy for you.

4. Acne is curable

The notion that acne is forever is very untrue. Accutane cures acne but it is unavailable in some parts of the world. Even overseas, it has to be given under prescription as it can cause a lot of health effects if not taken correctly. Also, with time if treated correctly (especially with benzoyl peroxide) the bacteria causing acne will die for good.

5. Acne doesn’t heal itself

There are people who outgrow acne, but you’d have to be really young to bank on that. If you’re older than 20, you can’t leave your acne untreated because it will not heal automatically.

6. You can moisturise your face when dealing with acne

People with oily skin are very prone to acne and it can be caused by excessive sebum production. Sebum production is worse if the skin has no moisture at all.

Moisturising your face can help to reduce the oiliness of your skin as well as your acne because your skin doesn’t feel the need to compensate for dryness, as it is already moisturized. The key is to get moisturisers which are non comedogenic and hypoallergenic that are good for acne prone skin.

7. Not all home remedies are effective for acne

There are a lot of YouTube videos and articles online that make one so convinced that all home remedies work, so we go out there and buy all the lemons, honey, avocado, yoghurt and eggs and instead of eating it, we sacrifice it for the sake of good skin. The truth is they don’t all work, and in fact, may end up clogging your pores even more, especially if you have a sensitive skin.

It’s also important to note that there are a few home remedies that can improve the condition. Apple cider vinegar, as a result of its acidic pH mixed with water makes for a good tone for all skin types. It would make your face appear better, although it wouldn’t completely cure you.

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