
5 homemade scrubs for pink and soft lips



While taking care of our skin, we sometimes forget about our lips, providing fair nourishment and hydration to lips is very important.

Conditions like pollution and dehydration of the atmosphere may result in chapped, dry, or parched lips.

We end up using a lot of lip products based on chemicals that are very rough on our lips, as the skin of the lip is super sensitive and fragile. Even, using those lip products, we do not get noticeable results.

If your lips are dry and damaged, no worries, using these homemade lip scrubs for pink and soft lips will completely undo the damage within no time.

At the end of this post, read on, we have added 5 tips for healthier lips:

1. Honey and lemon lip scrub:


1. 4 tsp Crushed Sugar
2. 2 tsp Honey
3. 2 tsp Lemon Juice

How to use it :

  • Mix crushed sugar, honey, and lemon juice together and make a smooth paste.
  • Take the little amount of mixture on your finger and start scrubbing your lips in a circular motion.
  • Massage for about 2-3 minutes then wash it off with cool water.

2. Oats and honey lip scrub


1. 4 tsp crushed oats
2. 2 tsp coconut oil
3. 1 tsp honey

How to use it :

  • Mix oats and coconut oil together and then add honey to it.
  • Take the little amount of mixture on your finger and start scrubbing your lips in a circular motion.
  • Scrub for about 2-3 minutes using this homemade lip scrub then wash it off with lukewarm water to get pink and soft lips.

3. Lavender lip scrub:


1. 2 tsp brown sugar
2. 1 tsp olive oil
3. 5-6 drops lavender essential oil

How to use it:-

  • First, mix the brown sugar with olive oil and then lavender essential oil to it and stir well.
  • Apply it to your lip and massage your lips for 2-3 minutes.
  • Wash it off with water and apply some lip balm.

4. Beetroot lip scrub:


1. 2 tsp crushed sugar
2. 1 tsp beetroot powder
3. 2 tsp almond oil
4. 5-6 drops of vanilla extract

How to use it:-

  • Start by mixing crushed sugar and beetroot powder together with the help of almond oil then add vanilla extract to it.
  • Apply a pinch amount of the lip scrub to your lips and rub it in circular motions for 2 minutes.
  • Wipe off with a soft wet cloth or wash it off with lukewarm water. This is by far one of the best homemade lip scrubs for pink and soft lips.

5. Orange peel lip scrub:


1. 1 tsp orange peel powder
2. 1 tsp crushed sugar
3. 1 tsp grape seed oil

How to use it:-

  • Mix orange peel powder and sugar together, make sure there are no lumps in the mixture,
  • Then add grape seed oil to it and gently scrub your lips with this mixture for about 2-3 minutes.
  • Clean your lips with a wet wipe or wash with cool water.

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