
7 reasons why you should switch to a low-carb breakfast



Breakfast is usually deemed as the most important meal of the day, which it most definitely is.

There are times when people working towards a journey of weight loss, chose to skip their breakfasts entirely.

You should never do that, skipping breakfast will actually do the opposite of helping as it will make you hungrier by lunchtime, where you will be more prone to eating a higher quantity.

Instead, ditch the carbs in your breakfast and opt for a low-carb, high protein breakfast option.

Drop the high-carb containing breakfast options like bread, cereals, etc. and alternatively try to build upon a good protein consumption.

These meals make up for good healthy eating and will be a great booster for your weight loss journey.

Here are 7 reasons why you should switch to a low-carb breakfast:

1. Increases your metabolism

Metabolism is the name for the process in which your body converts the things you eat and drink into energy. The calories that you consume are converted into energy, which the body uses to carry out its functions. When you have a slow metabolism, it takes longer for these calories to burn out, which can be quite a hindrance when you are trying to lose some weight. According to a study carried out in 2018, it was concluded that people who are on a low-carb diet burn more calories in a day compared to the people who consume high-carb foods.

2. Keep hunger levels at bay

The same 2018 study mentioned earlier that was conducted by the Harvard Medical School found that the levels of the hormones ghrelin and leptin were comparatively lower in low-carb eaters compared to high-carb eaters. Ghrelin is also called the ‘hunger hormone’ because it stimulates appetite and increases your food intake. Leptin is a hormone that is made by the cells in the small intestine that try to regulate energy by inhibiting hunger. Since both of these hormones increase your hunger, when you eat a low-carb breakfast and keep their levels in check, you tend to eat lesser in your next meals..

3. Keeps your stomach feeling fuller for longer

It is common knowledge that the higher your protein intake is in a meal, the longer you will feel full and won’t be craving to snack on something between your meals. It is a scientifically proven thing, which is why having a meal rich in protein early in the morning can really smoothen up your day.

When you compare low-carb and low-fat diets, the low-carb diets promote greater fullness for a longer time than a low-fat plan. Consider adding eggs to your breakfast to make it a protein-rich meal.

4. Boosts your endurance

Researchers have found out that athletes who follow strict low-carb and keto diets have shown to significantly improve their performance levels. When one follows a low-carb diet, their muscles seem to store higher levels of energy and the fat is burned more efficiently compared to the people who consume high-carb and low-fat diets. Having a low-carb breakfast can make you more energetic throughout the day, and prevent you from becoming sluggish.

5. Helps you lose fat

Visceral adipose tissue is the kind of fat that collects around your midsection, or the belly as one would normally call it. These fats can be really unhealthy and make you more prone to metabolic diseases. Studies have shown that cutting back on carbs help in reducing these fat stores.

6. Reduces blood sugar levels

Apart from helping in weight loss, low-carb diets can also be helpful for people who suffer from diabetes. Reducing carbs from your diet can lower your blood sugar levels drastically. One study even showed that people with diabetes who follow a low-carb diet can stop taking glucose-lowering medication in a few months.

7. Help control blood pressure and cholesterol

Since people with high blood pressure and cholesterol levels are very susceptible to heart and kidney-related disorders, if you are someone who suffers from these conditions, switching to a low-carb diet can be extremely helpful in controlling them.

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