
5 ways music improves your your exercise



Music is beneficial for your mental and physical health because it reduces anxiety, lowers your blood pressure, lightens your mood, and makes you mentally alert.

Music is enjoyable, pleasing sounds and harmonies. It is made up of different notes that your brains piece together and make sense of it.

There are many psychological and physical benefits to listening to music when engaging in exercise. Here’s a list of them below:

You might have stepped out of your house feeling drowsy and not ready to exercise but, with the right song, you will find yourself charged and ready to go.

Research has revealed that the tempo of the music you listen to affects your exercise and listening to music with more beats per minute will help you exercise better.

Those who listen to music with an exciting melody and fast-paced beat will generally be in a good mood and have great stamina. You are likely to enjoy your workout while listening to music

Exercise can get monotonous and boring if you are doing the same sets over and over again. Music takes your mind away from the exercise and livens your mood as you follow its beats.

Most exercise is about keeping up a particular pace. Most people synchronize their strides or pedal movement to the beat of the music. Also, you find your movement trailing the music and, in some cases, you will increase your pace to it.

It is interesting to note that scientists have come up with the different tempos of music they think will be best suited for different exercises.

Listening to music especially from your favourite artist would make you forget about being tired. You would run and run without realizing that you have gone a long distance.

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