
6 cabbage detox juices to help lose weight fast



Cabbage juice is an excellent home remedy that aid weight loss because it improves intestinal function and also detoxify the body.

To prepare a simple, yet delicious juice, first you must wash a leaf of cabbage and remove all residues. Then follow one of the recipes below:

1. Cabbage and lemon juice

Lemon is an excellent choice to add to cabbage juice and increase its weight loss action. This is because lemon has detoxifying properties that help to eliminate excess fats, as well as lessening the feeling of hunger, thus avoiding excessive consumption of food.

Mix in the blender 1 leaf of cabbage with the juice of 2 lemons, giving it more diuretic properties and making the blood more alkaline. Drink soon after preparation, preferably without straining and without adding sugar.

2. Cabbage, lemon and ginger juice

Adding orange to cabbage juice, as well as reducing the bitter taste of cabbage, is a great way to accelerate weight loss, because orange promotes a feeling of satiety and hampers the absorption of carbohydrates, cholesterol and lipids. Ginger improves bowel function and increases the metabolic rate, making it easier to burn fat and eliminate calories.

Mix in the blender 1 leaf of cabbage with the juice of 3 oranges and 2 cm of ginger. Drink soon after preparation, preferably without straining and without adding sugar.

3. Cabbage, pineapple and mint juice

By combining pineapple and mint with cabbage juice it is possible to increase the diuretic power of the juice, by eliminating excess liquids that cause weight gain. In addition, pineapple is rich in fiber, and so reduces appetite by helping to control the urge to eat during the day.

Mix in the blender 1 leaf of cabbage with 2 thick slices of pineapple and a few mint leaves. Drink soon after preparation, preferably without straining and without adding sugar. A few drops of lemon may also be added to enhance flavor, if necessary.

4. Cabbage, apple and lemon juice

Adding apple to cabbage juice helps enrich the juice with pectin, a substance that improves bowel function and increases satiety, thereby reducing the amount of food eaten. In addition, lemon juice improves the taste of cabbage and has a detoxifying action that eliminates fats.

Mix in the blender 1 leaf of cabbage with 1 green apple and the juice of half a lemon. Drink soon after preparation, preferably without straining and without adding sugar.

5. Cabbage, strawberries and pineapple juice

Strawberry and pineapple are fruits rich in fiber that help to decrease appetite and allow weight loss. In addition, this is a diuretic juice that eliminates excess fluid in the body, giving a more defined silhouette.

Mix in the blender 1 leaf of cabbage with 2 strawberries and 1 slice of pineapple and a few mint leaves. Drink soon after preparation, preferably without straining and without adding sugar.

6. Cabbage, carrot and orange juice

Carrot is another good option to enrich the cabbage juice as it has a tonic and purifying effect on the liver that helps eliminate excess bile and fat. In addition, when combined with orange, it helps to decrease the absorption of carbohydrates and fats.

Put in the blender 1 leaf of cabbage with 1 small carrot and the juice of 1 or 2 oranges. Mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and drink immediately afterwards, without adding sugar.

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