
7 common myths about introverts you should stop believing



What defines an introvert seems to be pretty clear-cut for most people, but what if we told you that most of the things you’ve been told about them are wrong? That’s right!

To this day, a lot of people assume that introverted people are too meek and timid to “get out there” and live their best lives, but in truth, introverts just process and react to things differently than extroverts do.

If you happen to be an introvert yourself, you can understand how frustrating it is to be mislabeled as the “loner” or the “quiet weirdo.”

And if you’re not, well, chances are you probably bought into some of the biggest misconceptions about being introverted.

If you could use some clarity on the topic, check out these common myths about introverts you should stop believing ASAP.

1. All introverts are shy

Most people believe that being shy and being an introvert are the same, but they’re really not. When you’re shy, you’re too nervous to initiate conversations or interact, even though you really desire the company. But when you’re an introvert, you’re perfectly fine with socializing and you just choose not to. Of course, it’s possible for people to be both shy and introverted, but this doesn’t mean all introverts are shy people!

2. They always want to be alone

This couldn’t be more false. I mean sure, introverts prefer their quiet time, and they often need to go home to process things while they recharge. But this doesn’t mean they always want to stay isolated. Introverts are perfectly capable of enjoying themselves in the company of others. And they’re perfectly fine with being alone too!

3. They don’t know how to have fun

Um, yes, they do! Just because they’re not as outgoing or talkative as extroverts, it doesn’t mean that they have dull personalities. It just means that they can find a lot of pleasure in the simpler things, whether they’re curled up with a good book or playing a board game. Introverts don’t require as much stimulation as extroverts do to feel fully engaged. And everyone’s idea of “fun” is not the same.

4. Introverts don’t like people

This goes back to our previous point about how introverts get stimulated more easily than extroverts do. An extrovert usually thrives in an environment where there’s a lot of energy, excitement, and people. So in most cases, they’re perfectly fine with hanging out at a crowded bar or nightclub for hours on end. But as for introverts, they don’t need as much social stimulation. Staying in loud and crowded spaces for too long can feel way too overwhelming, and interacting with a lot of people tends to drain them. This is why you’ll find an introvert slipping out of a party after being there for 15 minutes. It’s not because they hate people!

5. They have poor social skills

News flash: A person’s social anxiety isn’t tied to being introverted or extroverted at all. So even if an introvert does struggle to interact with others, that has nothing to do with the fact that they’re introverted. That said, an introvert can actually be even more skilled at socializing than the most popular extrovert you know. But here’s the key difference: Introverts don’t just engage with others for the sake of socializing – they need a good reason to do it. So if they decide not to interact, it’s not because they’re afraid of people, it’s because they simply don’t want to.

6. They don’t make good leaders

Yes, extroverts are usually better equipped to take on leadership roles, but that doesn’t mean that introverts can’t be great leaders too. In fact, Jim Kouzes, who co-wrote The Leadership Challenge and conducted the Leadership Practices Inventory, said: “Leadership is a set of skills and abilities that are learnable by anyone who has the desire to improve and the willingness to practice. That’s true for extroverts and introverts alike. They each have particular preferences for how they energize themselves, take in information, make decisions, and organize themselves, but both are equally capable of providing exemplary leadership.”

7. They’re usually depressed

A lot of people assume that when introverts spend time alone, they just wallow in their misery. Most also assume that their behavior is a direct result of something that they’re struggling with. But on the contrary, many introverts are quite content. They can be positive and energetic, and they don’t necessarily isolate themselves out of depression. Usually, they just need some private time to feel their best.

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