
5 signs you’re consuming too much carbohydrate



Foods that contain carbohydrate helps to build your body and also provide energy.

When you consume them regularly, it tends to affect your body organs. It will increase your risk of having cardiovascular diseases.

There are some signs you will notice which indicates you are consuming too much carbohydrate. Try and limit your carbohydrate intake when you notice these signs.

1.You will tend to struggle with acnes

When you notice that you keep having recurrent acne, that means you are consuming too much carbohydrate. You will have to reduce your carbohydrate intake and go for more protein and fruits. This will help to reduce pimples break out and keep your skin healthy.

2. When you keep having constipation

Constipation is another sign that indicates excessive carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrate takes a longer time to digest because they have little or no fibre. When you begin to notice this, try and reduce your carbohydrate intake and go for fiber rich foods.

3. Increased sugar cravings

This is when you always feel like eating sweet foods. When you have been eating too much carbohydrate, your taste bud will be craving for sugary foods.

4. You will experience more build up of cavities

When you start having many cavities, that tells you that your carbohydrate intake is high. Excessive consumption of carbohydrate can leave left overs in your teeth which could later be infested by bacteria.

5. Weight gain

When you consume carbohydrate regularly, you will tend to gain weight. When you observe weight gain, it means you need to cut down on your carbohydrate and go for more fruits.

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