
6 subtle signs of cheating in a long-distance relationship



Long distance relationships, no matter how long it being “long distance” tends to very hard especially if you don’t have self control.

The attention and physical touch you want will not always be there and if you lose guard, you’ll find it in someone else.

Here are 5 subtle signs that this has happened to your partner.

1. There’s no real conversation anymore

In LDR, all you have really is communication. Knowing what your partner has been up to daily and you imagining the scenes they vividly describe to you. If they don’t answer your calls/texts as much anymore and neither do they call and text you for no real reason, you need to accept the possibility that they’re cheating on you.

2. They always seem to be busy

This goes hand in hand with the lull in conversation. They claim they are always busy so they can’t text or call or answer your calls. If this has always happened because your partner is a social butterfly then you may not have to worry about them cheating but if they start squeezing you out more and more then there’s a cause for alarm.

3. Inconsistent signs of affection

You know those random bursts of affection? They may be a cause for alarm even though with some people, they’re very genuine. It is possible that your partner is feeling guilty for cheating and compensates for that by being extra affectionate but then again, since you can’t be too sure, you need to see if they do other things on our list before you come to a conclusion.

4. When you ask questions, they get angry 

They’ve suddenly become short tempered. If you ask what they’ve been up to, they take offense. They never want to talk things out. They’re always defensive.

5. Sudden changes in schedule 

You always used to talk at particular times because of your lecture times or activities that you’re both involved in. Now all of a sudden, they apparently have a changed time table and “everything is so packed” that’s why they have been to busy to answer your calls.

6. Unexplained expenses are a sign of cheating

This one is slightly difficult to find out depending on your relationship status with your partner. It is highly unlikely that you will know about your partner’s expenses if the two of you are just dating. If you two are engaged or otherwise share each other’s financial information, then you can figure this out.

If your partner frequently has unexplained expenses, it is possible that they are not staying faithful in a long-distance relationship and are spending their money on another love interest.

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