
4 healing benefits of laughter therapy in your life



On May 1, World Laughter Day is celebrated to manifest positive energy and expressions.

It is also observed to shed light on how positive emotions can bring about positive change in a person. It also aids in raising awareness about the many health benefits of laughter.

Whether you’re giggling quietly at a newspaper cartoon or giggling loudly at a sitcom on TV, laughing is good for you.

It’s no exaggeration to say that laughter is an excellent stress reliever. A deep belly laugh is one of the best feelings in the world.

It has the power to bring people together and form incredible bonds. Everything from a light chuckle to a belly-aching guffaw can shift the temperature of a room from chilly unfamiliarity to a warm embrace.

Here we bring you 4 amazing health benefits of laughter therapy which help in bringing both long-term and short-term positive changes in the body.

1. Stimulates the organs

Laughter therapy improves oxygen intake, stimulates the muscles, lungs, and heart, and increases endorphin release. It also promotes better blood circulation, which aids in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

2. Reduces stress

When you are stressed, your body produces cortisol. Cortisol gets a bad rap because it is known as the stress hormone, but it plays an important role in the body. It regulates blood sugar levels, reduces inflammation, regulates metabolism, and, at crucial junctures, activates the fight or flight response in your body. Laughter is one way your body can help regulate cortisol levels. Laughing increases oxygen intake, which stimulates circulation and lowers cortisol levels.

3. Improves cardiac health

Laughter is an excellent cardio workout, especially for those who are unable to engage in other forms of physical activity due to injury or illness. It gets your heart rate up and burns about the same number of calories per hour as slow to moderate walking. So, laugh your way to good health.

4. Improve your mood

Laughter makes you feel happier, releases endorphins in the brain, and improves your mood. Even a relatively short spurt of laughter per day can lower stress hormone levels. Many people suffer from depression, which can be amplified by chronic illnesses. Laughter can help reduce stress, depression, and anxiety, as well as make you feel happier. It can also help you feel better about yourself.

 Don’t be afraid to give it a shot. Make a smile with the corners of your mouth and then laugh, even if it feels a little forced. After you’ve had your laugh, assess how you’re feeling. Are your muscles loosening up a little? Do you feel more at ease or energized? That is the natural wonder of working laughter.