
Musa Khawula opens a police case against Moshe Ndiki




Musa Khawula has finally opened a police case against the Superstar, Moshe Ndiki.

This is coming after the two were involved in a brawl.

In a video that has been circulating on social media, the two are seen fighting, and guards quickly rush to break off the fight.

After the fight, it was reported that Musa’s dreads were kicked aside by a security guard at the White lounge, Sunninghill.

Threatening to open a case against Moshe Ndiki, Musa started a petition to have him removed from Gomora.

“Maybe you shouldn’t sleep because we have a space as soon as I’m done opening an assault case against talentless Moshe Ndiki who couldn’t keep his husband and resolved to be a dog daddy. Chat soon,” he tweeted.

See tweet below:

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