
How to check if avocado is perfectly ripe



Have you ever been confused, while buying that perfectly ripe avocado from the grocery store.

There’s no denying that this exotic veggie is a perfect mix of taste and health, but the outer texture of this vegetable can often leave you confused about its real texture!

Well, we have got some easy hacks to pick the perfectly ripe avocados from the store. Follow us for the simple tips.

1. Texture of the skin

Have you ever wondered why some avocados appear too smooth in texture? Well, this might be an eye opener. The properly ripe avocados will have a bumpy texture and slightly rough texture, the smooth as silk texture is something you must avoid.

2. Skin

The dark brownish and black skin of avocado can simply hide many secrets about its real taste and texture. You will be surprised to know that the perfectly ripe avocados usually have a dark greenish outer layer and not black. So, always check the colour before you pick the next avocado.

3. Mushy avocados

There’s no denying that the inside of this vegetable has a creamy and mushy texture, but have you ever ended up with a too soft texture of the avocado? It is sad to break your heart, but avocados that appear too soft and squeezy are actually not perfectly ripe. So, it is best to avoid it!

4. ​Firm

If the avocado is ripe and is ready to eat, then it yields to firm gentle pressure. You can also observe a subtle darkness in the outer layer. So, before you buy, try putting a firm pressure on the avocados and then make your buying decision.

Note: If you end up buying an unripe avocado, keep it inside a refrigerator for a day or two and keep checking the texture and colour and consume before it gets over ripe.

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