
Weight loss for thyroid: 5 foods to eat everyday



The thyroid is the metabolic powerhouse of the human body, located near the nape of your neck.

This 2 inch gland plays a vital role in ensuring proper cardiac, digestive, reproductive, neurological, and musculoskeletal functioning.

If you have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), the first thing you will notice is rapid and sudden weight gain. Note that due to lack of thyroid hormone production, your body processes will also slow down.

In such a case, weight loss can get trickier, as it does with any other medical condition. However, losing weight with an imbalanced thyroid is possible.

All you need to do is follow your treatment, exercise, relieve stress and probably the most important factor that can help, is regulating your diet.

Here are a wide range of foods based on their nutritional value, that can help you shed those extra kilos.

1. Rich in iodine

Iodine regulates thyroid function in the body. It has been found that many people experience weight loss naturally just by increasing their iodine intake. So, it is a must-do to eat foods which are rich in iodine, such as iodised salt, fish, dairy, and eggs. Your doctor may also recommend iodine drops or other forms of supplements if required.

2. ​Loaded with fibre

Eating fibre-rich foods everyday can help you improve your digestion, which is essential for healthy weight loss. Fibre will also speed up the elimination of bad toxins and will keep the calorie intake in check. A high-fiber diet can lower unhealthy cholesterol levels. Note that elevated cholesterol can be a symptom of untreated hypothyroidism. So, it is best to eat plenty of fruits, veggies, and pulses on a daily basis.

3. ​High on vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a very important role in regulating thyroid function. According to research, a vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to weight gain. Therefore, it is best to get your vitamin D levels checked if you have thyroid problems. If there is a deficiency, you can increase your intake from sunlight or dietary sources like eggs, fatty fish, organ meat, and mushrooms. Your doctor may also recommend vitamin D supplements if required. Make sure you do not overdose and follow the dosage prescribed.

4. Plenty of copper and omega-3

Copper and omega 3 can help in weight loss along with thyroid. Copper is also essential for proper functioning of thyroid glands. As for weight loss, research suggests that copper-rich foods can accelerate metabolism, which can aid weight loss. Some great food sources include almonds, sesame seeds, and legumes.

Controlling inflammation is one of the key ways to help manage the symptoms produced by an unhealthy thyroid. omega-3’s may help reduce inflammation in the thyroid gland, along with weight management. Some good sources include ghee, walnuts, flax seeds, and chia seeds.

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