
3 reasons why you should discuss your career before marriage



Before you get married  you need to have a serious discussion about your future.

Discuss your life goals, thoughts on children, finances, and most importantly – your career.Your career will shape much of your life.

It determines what income you will have, where you live, and how much time you will have to spend with your spouse.

The best partnerships are built on love, respect, and plenty of communication.

Marriage comes with lots of dreams, hopes, and of course changes. Here are a few reasons why you should discuss your career before marriage.

1. It Promotes Healthy Communication

A great marriage is built on open, honest communication. Partners need to be able to talk to each other about anything to learn and grow as a couple. Not only will talking with your spouse about your career plans strengthen your relationship, but research shows that communication can help improve a couple’s intimate connection and overall wellbeing.

2. Align Your Goals

By discussing where you see yourself professionally in five years, you also give your partner insight into where you see yourself personally. This will help you both to see how your goals about children, where to live, and how to spend your time will align.

3. Helps you Understand your Financial Future

Many couples feel inferior if their spouse makes more than them. Money can also be a stressful subject to bring up if you are not meeting your budget. If you talk about your career plans for the future, it reduces the financial stress you would otherwise feel in your marriage because it allows both partners to structure and budget properly.

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