Most of us face vaginal hygiene-related problems from time to time but may hesitate to speak on the issues.

It is often difficult to find a safe space to discuss if what you are going through is natural or a sign to consult an expert.

Intimate hygiene is crucial to your well-being, just like your mental and physical health problems.

If you also feel conscious about speaking on the issue, scroll down to see the list of vaginal issues you must not take lightly.

1. Burning While Peeing

It is one of the prominent signs of urinary tract infections (UTIs) that you should not ignore. If you constantly feel the urge to urinate, and it burns while doing so, it is high time that you consult a doctor for tests and medication.

In another case, burning can be a sign of postmenopausal loss of hormones that result in incorrect squeezing of the urinary passage. Therefore, be cautious if you experience this symptom.

2. Unusual Vaginal Discharge

Do you see thick, yellow or green-coloured discharges down there? If the discharge changes colour or consistency drastically from the usual, you need to speak with your gynaecologist. If you see a green discharge on your panty or it comes with an odour, it could be a sign of a yeast infection or sexually transmitted disease, says Cleveland Clinic’s report.

While everyone’s ‘normal’ is different, usually a white-coloured discharge with varied consistency is something you do not have to worry about. The change in consistency happens throughout the menstrual cycle.

3. Bleeding Out Of The Blue

A HealthShots article says that if you experience bleeding outside of the menstrual calendar, you need to immediately contact your healthcare expert. If you see spots after intercourse, midway through the period cycle, or blood in urination, discuss these warning signs with a doctor.

An article in Self says that if you continue to bleed in the middle of your cycle and suffer from pain in the pelvic area, it could be a sign of chlamydia. It could also be due to a polyp on the cervix, which may be nothing to worry about but always get it checked.

4. Problem With Controlling Urination

In medical terms, the problem is known as incontinence where you can’t control your bladder. A study in Mayo Clinic explains the issue as leaking when you sneeze or cough. It could also be the inability to make it to the toilet when you get a sudden urge to pee.

This could be the result of a UTI if you also experience a burning sensation in the region. A doctor can help you with a few medications and tell you about pelvic floor exercises that can help with it.

5. Itching Outside Vulva Or Inside Vagina

Itching due to soap, creams, scented toilet papers, feminine sprays, and bubble baths is normal, says a Healthline report. You just need to stop using products that cause irritation. However, if the itching persists around the vulva or inside the vagina, it could be a sign of bacterial vaginosis, skin diseases, yeast infection, hormonal imbalance, and sexually transmitted infection. Therefore a gynaecologist can help rule out any serious issues and guide you to keep itching and irritation at bay.

6. Vaginal Bumps

According to the Self article, most vaginal bumps are harmless. It could be a benign cyst or an infected hair follicle. It could also be a sign of a sexually transmitted disease. If it is just a pimple or bumps due to ingrown hair, you can relax.

However if these bumps persist and any pain in the area escalates, you must consult a gynaecologist. The expert can help you identify and confirm the health issue and provide you with requisite care and medication.