Before social media came into the picture, people kept their privacy and respected each other’s space to a point.

But today, we have people posting every moment and keeping lives private has become a rare concept.

If you speak to counselors and experts, all will suggest that you should keep some aspects of your life very private.

In fact, here are 5 psychological reasons why you should keep your life private.

1. Autonomy

Privacy lets you maintain control over your personal information and decisions. You can choose how and when you share information about yourself. This autonomy helps protect your personal identity from external influences and by that we mean people who have no right to interfere in the first place. You live your life on your own terms, separate from societal expectations or judgments.

2. Reduced social comparison

When you keep your life private, you minimise the tendency to compare yourself to others. In today’s world, it’s easy to get caught up in the highlight reels that are presented on social media, leading to feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt. By maintaining privacy, you can focus on your own goals, aspirations, and progress without getting distracted or discouraged by constant comparisons to others.

3. Emotional well-being

Sharing intimate details of your life with others invites unnecessary judgment, criticism, and unwanted advice. By keeping certain aspects of your life private, you can protect your emotional well-being. Maintaining boundaries means you can surround yourself with a support system that respects and values your privacy, providing a safe space for personal growth and self-expression.

4. Trust and intimacy

Keeping some aspects of your life private can actually strengthen the bonds of trust and intimacy in your relationships. Sharing everything can sometimes lead to overexposure, diminishing the sense of mystery and intrigue that keeps relationships exciting. By preserving some privacy, you create a space where you can selectively share information, fostering a more profound sense of trust and connection with those closest to you.

5. Self-reflection and personal growth

Privacy lets you self-reflect and introspect, and it allows you to explore your thoughts, values, and emotions in a more meaningful way. Without the pressure of constant external scrutiny, you can delve into your inner world, gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and your life’s purpose. This self-discovery and personal growth process can be harmed when every aspect of your life is open for public scrutiny.