
5 cultures where kissing is either illegal or considered a taboo



Kissing is a cultural behavior that can hold different meanings and significance across various societies.

While it is generally considered a gesture of affection in many cultures, there are instances where it is either illegal or considered taboo due to cultural, religious, or social reasons.

Here are five cultures where kissing might be either illegal or considered a taboo:

1. United Arab Emirates (UAE)

In the UAE, public displays of affection, including kissing, are considered inappropriate and can be met with legal consequences. This is due to the conservative nature of the society and the adherence to Islamic values and customs. While married couples might be more discreet in their affection, any overt public display of kissing can lead to fines or even deportation.

2. India

While attitudes toward kissing vary across India’s diverse cultural landscape, public displays of affection, including kissing, can be frowned upon in certain regions and communities. In conservative areas, such acts can be seen as disrespectful or inappropriate, especially in front of elders or in public spaces. However, in urban and more liberal areas, kissing is becoming more accepted among the younger generation.

3. Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia follows strict interpretations of Islamic law, and public displays of affection, including kissing, are illegal and considered indecent behavior. The religious and cultural norms emphasize modesty and maintaining the separation of genders in public spaces. Engaging in such behavior can result in legal consequences.

4. Japan

In Japan, kissing is often considered a private and intimate act that is typically not displayed in public. While there isn’t a legal ban on kissing, it’s generally seen as a personal expression of affection that is reserved for more private settings. Public displays of affection, including kissing, can be seen as embarrassing or inappropriate in Japanese society.

5. Thailand

While Thailand is famous for sex tourism, it is also known to be quite conservative in the matter of public display of affection. So it is important to…

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