Cooking excess food is a common thing in every household, but how you store the cooked food can make a whole lot of difference.

Storing cooked meals is important, especially if you want to retain their freshness for a few more days.

Here are some easy and effective ways to store cooked meals and retain the freshness.

1. Use airtight containers​

Transfer your cooked meals into airtight containers. These containers help create a barrier that prevents air from getting in, which can cause food to spoil. Choose containers of the appropriate size to minimize empty space, as extra air can lead to faster food deterioration.

​​2. Avoid overcrowding​

Do not overcrowd your fridge or freezer, as this can block airflow and lead to uneven cooling. Cold air needs to circulate to keep food safe and fresh.

3. Use freezer bags for freezing​

When freezing meals, use heavy-duty freezer bags or containers specifically designed for freezing. Remove as much air as possible from the bag before sealing to prevent freezer burn.

4. Store similar items together​

Store similar flavoured foods and meals together in your refrigerator and freezer. For example, keep dairy products in one area, meats in another, and fruits and vegetables in designated drawers.