You have found the perfect person who has all the qualities you always sought in a life partner. But have you ever wondered if you are compatible with him or her?

According to relationship experts, compatibility is the key to successful relationships and sometimes couples, who are blindly in love, fail to acknowledge that they might not be compatible for each despite sharing great chemistry.

It might be difficult to believe, but love alone is not enough to sustain a healthy relationship.

Here are a few signs to help you check how compatible you are with your partner.

1. Both of you are willing to accept each other’s flaws

It is easy to love a person for his or her good qualities. But a couple is truly compatible if they know each other’s weaknesses and flaws and accept these without any qualms. Their relationship will grow stronger because they know how to help each other in their moments of weakness and that is what makes a partner compatible with the other.

2. Respect each other’s core values

A large part of our personality is shaped by our experiences, upbringing and core values. For example, sometimes a person might want to question everything, be it a fact or a belief, before accepting it because that is what he has been taught to do since childhood. However, his partner might be just the opposite. Does that mean they are incompatible because they share different core values? No. Acceptance and respect are the key components here. Knowing and understanding each other’s values will help the partners share better compatibility.

3. Good or bad news, you share it with your partner first

Your partner is the first person who comes to your mind when you have to share an important piece of news—be it good or bad. You can do that only because you are compatible with the person. He or she is your loudest cheerleader in moments of glory and your biggest support when you need a shoulder to cry on. If you can’t rely on your partner during such days, it’s time to rethink the compatibility factor.

4. You understand each other’s quirky sense of humour

What is life without a little humour? Unfortunately, not all are blessed with a good sense of humour. If you and your partner share and understand the jokes, which others don’t, you definitely share a good compatibility.

5. ​Fights and arguments don’t make you weak

Arguments between partners help them test the relationship on many levels. But a lot depends on how you handle arguments and fights. Does it end on a bitter note leaving both the partners hurt? Or does the disagreements help you know your partner better? If you have replied affirmatively to the second question, you have found a compatible partner.

6. ​Forgive and forget

To err is human; to forgive, divine. Are you willing to forgive your partner if he or she commits a mistake? Or you don’t agree to the idea of ‘forgive and forget’ a person who makes mistakes in a relationship? When you come across differences that are difficult to sort in an amicable way, would you like to give the person a second chance? During situations like this, love alone cannot help you take a decision. This is when compatibility counts the most.

7. You are looking forward to growing old together

There is nothing as a sweet as young love and when both the partners are crazy about each other. With time, that heady love mellows down and you gradually learn to adapt to changes because everyone (including your partner) change as they grow. Compatible partners do not resist these changes, be it in the person or the relationship, and look forward to growing old together.