There is something intoxicatingly romantic about December.

The festivities, the weather and the general bonhomie surrounding the last month of the year make us do things, which perhaps were kept pending throughout the year.

The blooming November winter grows intense with each passing day in December.

We want to stay a little longer in the warm bed paying a deaf ear to the incessant requests of the alarm clock to start the day.

The magic in the air makes us hold our partners a little tighter in a cozy hug as we bid them goodbye, but not before planting a kiss and making a promise to return home early from office.

Naughty glances are exchanged with promises of a hot night defying the numbing weather.

Among all things, having sex with your partner, which is always a pleasurable experience, can become more passionate.

Thanks to the weather and the festivities that December brings!

1. The festive season

It’s time to let the colour of Christmas (red) melt the blues of the year. Also, the New Year is just a month or a day away. It’s time to complete the promises we made, to heal the wounds we gave. Celebration is another name for sex, isn’t it? And what could be a better way to pay tribute to December than making tender love to your partner?

2. Because the weather is meant for…

Soaking up the warmth of a fireplace, as you snuggle with your partner, and never worry about what lies ahead is only possible in December. Let the amber of the fire melt all your worries and bring you closer. Do we really need to elaborate what will happen next?

3. The last month

Who would not like to make the most out of the last month. It’s time to meet your friends, mend broken ties and do things which have remain unaccomplished throughout the year. As the curtains draw on the year, the tendency to make your love making sessions steamier grows with every passing day.

4. Vacation sex

Everyone goes on a vacation in December (expect the poor souls who sit behind their desks and spend the festive season writing stories about how to have an enjoyable time!). Exotic location and good food coupled with great weather make it a perfect recipe for a hot session in the bed later. Interestingly, people tend to have more sex when they are on a vacation (we really don’t need a research to prove this, do we?).

5. Aphrodisiacal food

Believe it or not, we tend to eat more aphrodisiacal food during winters, even without realising what they are capable of doing. For instance, chocolate is a great aphrodisiac, and no Christmas or New Year celebration is complete without a rich and sinful chocolate cake. Mostly, all the foods that are meant to keep us warm also have aphrodisiacal properties, for example, spicy food (chilli is one of the culprits here), red meat etc. But who is complaining when you can have so much fun (and sex) after eating such good stuff.

​6. Best time to complete your relationship goals!

Let’s take you back to the beginning of the year when you frantically make New Year resolutions, which sadly are never meant to be completed. Somewhere in that long list, a few might have penned down their relationship goals for the year. This is the month, the last month, to complete those. What are you waiting for, stop reading this and go grab some condoms (don’t forget a tube of lube!)