Love fish and meat delicacies, but always end up making a mess of these delights?

Then here are some essential tips and tricks that help in cooking fish and meat perfectly each time.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid while cooking meat and fish dishes.

1. ​​Clean properly​

Cleaning them properly before cooking can impact the taste and flavour. The strong smell of fish and meat can linger on if it is not cleaned thoroughly. Always wash with water and marinate properly before cooking.

2. Marinating the meat/fish ​

If you are new to cooking then, always ensure that you marinate fish and meat. This helps in accentuating the taste and texture of fish and meat. Marinating also reduces the cooking time and makes the dish tastier.

3. Let it absorb ​

After cooking meat or fish dishes, it is important to allow the fish/meat to absorb the juices from the curries and sauces, this will help in improving the taste and texture of the dish. This makes the fish and meat juicy from inside.

4. Using low-quality ingredients​

Always ensure that the ingredients you are using are fresh, adulterant-free and go well with fish and meat delicacies. This will help in enhancing the flavour of the dish.

5. Overcooking​

Overcooking fish and meat dishes may end up ruining the taste and texture of the delicacy. In some cases, the fish/meat often turns soggy and loses their taste. Thus, it is essential to keep checking the temperature and texture, while cooking.

6. Using the wrong cooking method​

Not every dish needs to be cooked in the same way. Different types of fishes need different methods of cooking. For instance, delicate fish is better for gentle poaching or grilling. However, if you are cooking steaks and tough cuts, then it is best to marinate it first, then follow slow cooking methods like braising. Using the wrong cooking method can result in dry, tasteless dishes.