
Use these essential natural hair tips to make your afro flourish this winter



Winter, a dry and cold season, can be harsh on curly or kinky hair. This is due to less humidity and the very structure of an Afro’s hair follicle.

With each hair strand as coily as a spring, sebum, the oil that the scalp naturally produces does not reach the entirety of the strand. This is why some with Afros tend to have more dandruff and dryness.

However, with proper care, your hair can be healthy in every season. Here are some tips to make your hair flourish:

1. Test the porosity of your hair

Your hair is either low, medium, or highly porous. This is its ability to absorb and hold moisture. So, for low-porosity hair, it is hard for it to absorb water, leave-in conditioner or oil you may rub into it.

These products can sit atop the hair strand, making it appear shiny. However, shine is not necessarily a sign of healthy hair. High-porosity hair easily absorbs and retains moisture. As a result, it may not have a shine to it as hair products are absorbed.

Medium-porosity is a mixture of the two.

You can test your hair’s porosity by first washing it with shampoo, rinsing it thoroughly, and then pulling out a single strand of hair. Put it in a glass filled with water.

Wait a bit and observe. If it sinks to the bottom, you have high-porosity hair. Conversely, if it rises to the top, it is low in porosity. It is important to know how your hair reacts to moisture so that you can create a routine that best suits its type.

2. Hair care for low-porosity

For this type of hair, what product you use matters more than the amount you apply to it. So, your go to products should be light and effective at penetrating your hair strands.

Use shampoos that thoroughly cleanse your hair and scalp as there is a high possibility of product build-up. Follow with a water-based conditioner.

This simply means that water must be the first in the list of ingredients of the conditioner.

When it comes to moisturising your hair, choose a water-based leave-in conditioner. The last step is to add oil to assist in sealing in the moisture. Avocado oil is ideal as it is light and proven to be easily absorbed by hair.

Wash your hair every week if possible to ensure that it is moisturised and protected against the elements.

3. Hair care for high-porosity

High-porosity hair absorbs moisture easily, but, it may be harder to retain it as the hair cuticle is open.

Instead of a strong shampoo, opt for one that cleans while moisturising your hair. These shampoos are often rich in multiple oils and leaves your hair feeling soft.

The same applies when it comes to conditioner and leave-in conditioner. As a sealant, use heavy products such as shea butter, castor oil or other thick essential oil.

Wash your hair twice a month to preserve its moisture.

Those with medium porosity hair can find a happy medium between the two routines and monitor their hair.