
“When you think it’s over, it starts again,” Kelly Khumalo on Senzo Meyiwa’s murder trial


Kelly Khumalo breaks her silence for the first time this year on the murder case of her late ex-lover, Senzo Meyiwa.

During a recent radio interview, Kelly was asked if she follows up on Senzo’s trial which is televised.

In response, the singer said she doesn’t, though she used to.

“I used to in the beginning, but not anymore because for me to keep sane and for me to remain in a place of faith and trusting God, I have to stay away from the noise and wait for God to prevail,” she said during her interview on the isiZulu radio station.

The Ngathwala Ngaye hitmaker said that the Meyiwa murder reminded her of things that presumed she was over.

“It becomes a reminder of something that didn’t sit right with you at all. When you think it’s over, it starts again, so you must stay away, for your mental health, and wait for God’s time. God is not a man that he should lie, so you remain and hold on to that and trust the process,” she said.

Meanwhile, while Kelly Khumalo is shut out from the noise about her ex, she’s remained focused on making music for her lovers.

She announced the deluxe of her last album, and dropped a music video

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