We have heard enough about breakfast essentials and dinnertime mistakes but people often miss out on talking about an important meal of the day – lunchtime!

If you are trying to lose weight, this meal also deserves its due. Here are some lunchtime tips:

1. Don’t wait until you are famished

The worst mistake most people make during lunchtime is that they wait until they are starving to death. Blame it on their busy schedules but it is a very unhealthy habit that needs to go. Fix a time and stick to it.

2. Don’t order in or eat out!

Lunch is that time of the day when most people feel tempted to eat outside food. Even if you order a healthy salad or soup, don’t forget they have a lot of hidden calories. It’s always good to pack an exciting lunch from home.

3. Don’t gobble it up

You wait till the last minute and then stuff it all in your mouth quickly. This doesn’t give your mind time to register you are full and you keep craving for more. This throws you off your natural hunger cycle.

4. Don’t skip carbs for lunch

You need carbohydrates for lunch to keep your brain active and energy levels high. If you avoid carbs, it can leave you feeling dull and sluggish.

5. Don’t miss out on protein

Midday protein is a must if you want to avoid the afternoon slump. Most importantly, it will help you stay off evil hunger pangs that make you go for sugary or high calorie treats.

6. Don’t let go of fibre

Your lunch should have at least 8 grams of fibre. It will keep your daily fibre intake high.

7. Pick the right fats

Good fats are essential for healthy living. So add healthy fats to your lunch box. Add some nuts or seeds in your lunch box. They can also be had to satiate sugar cravings.

8. Time it right

Have your lunch one to two hours after your mid morning snack. Yes, this means that you have to also pack a mid morning snack – it could be a fruit, a glass of buttermilk or cold coffee with no/less sugar.