A break in a relationship could indicate trouble in the paradise in some cases, while in others it may be to rethink and reanalyze certain elements in a relationship.
It may also be about saving a precious bond from unnecessary drama and accusations.
1. When you need to see things from a fresh perspective
Sometimes being too close to each other can distort your view on how things actually are. You may be attaching too much importance to insignificant conflicts or may be ignoring toxic aspects of your relationship. Whatever may be the case, taking a break and a chance to miss each other will help you focus on aspects of relationship that you value and cherish.
2. You are considering a breakup
If you are feeling too suffocated in a relationship and many issues remain unaddressed, you may be thinking of escaping this huge burden of accumulated issues by way of a breakup. However, this would hardly help. Taking a break instead of breaking up in this situation will give you time and space for rethinking what’s not working for you.
3. To resolve bitterness
Lack of communication and spending quality time with each other can lead to a pile-up of unresolved fights. Over a period of time, you start to feel bitter about each other. Spending some time apart, say few days or weeks, will give you a chance to resolve this bitterness.
4. When you need to focus on a goal
Sometimes a break becomes necessary when you need to focus on a personal or career goal, especially when spending time together is in some way hampering the goal.
5. When you are not sure if it’s an abusive relationship
Taking a break from a relationship can also be used to understand if a relationship is emotionally abusive or unfulfilling. It gives you the advantage of observing from a distance and making the right decision.