Feeling overwhelmed by sadness, anxiety, or panic is more common than someone might think.

Whether someone is dealing with the pressures of daily life or grappling with more intense emotions, finding natural ways to manage these feelings can make a world of difference.

Exercise is a powerful tool in this regard. It offers not just physical benefits but also mental and emotional relief.

Here are 5 effective exercises that can help reduce feelings of sadness, anxiety, and panic.

1. Walking: A simple step towards calmness

One of the simplest and most effective exercises for improving mood is walking. Whether it’s a walk in the park or a leisurely stroll through your neighbourhood, walking can significantly enhance your emotional well-being. Walking helps to increase the levels of endorphins and serotonin in the brain, which are chemicals known to improve mood. A study published in JAMA Psychiatry found that regular physical activity, such as walking, can reduce the risk of developing depression by 26%. Aim for at least 30 minutes of walking a day. If possible, choose a route that offers a connection to nature, as being outdoors can further reduce stress and anxiety. Listening to calming music or a podcast can also make the experience more enjoyable.

​2. Yoga: Finding balance and inner peace

Yoga is well-known for its ability to combine physical exercise with mindfulness, making it a superb choice for those seeking relief from emotional distress. Yoga promotes relaxation and reduces levels of cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology has shown that yoga can decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression. Begin with gentle styles of yoga such as Hatha or Yin, which focus on slow movements and deep breathing. Attending a class or following a guided video can help you learn proper techniques and keep us motivated. Adding yoga into the routine for just 15-30 minutes a day can lead to significant improvements in mood and anxiety levels.

3. ​Running

For those who prefer a more vigorous form of exercise, running is an excellent way to deal with sadness and anxiety. The rhythmic nature of running can provide a meditative effect, allowing to clear the mind and reduce feelings of panic. Running increases the production of neurotransmitters like endorphins, often referred to as “runner’s high,” which can create a sense of euphoria and calm. According to a study in the American Journal of Psychiatry, regular aerobic exercise like running can be as effective as medication in treating major depression.

4. ​Build a stronger mind with strength training

Strength training, commonly associated with lifting weights, can also be a powerful ally in reducing feelings of sadness and anxiety. Engaging in strength training can enhance self-esteem and reduce symptoms of depression. A meta-analysis published in JAMA Psychiatry found that resistance training significantly reduces depressive symptoms in adults. Unlike the common belief, people don’t need a gym membership to start strength training. Bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, and lunges are effective and can be done at home. Aim for two to three strength training sessions per week, ensuring to work on different muscle groups each time to avoid overuse injuries.

5. Moving to a happier beat

Dancing offers an energetic and joyful way to relieve stress and boost your mood. Whether someone is dancing at home to their favorite tunes or joining a class, moving rhythmically to music can have significant emotional benefits. Dancing is a full-body workout that releases endorphins, which help elevate mood and reduce anxiety. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, dancing can improve both mental and physical health, reducing depression and anxiety while also enhancing social connections and self-esteem .