
3 medical conditions that causes swollen feet



An individual might suffer swollen feet for varying reasons. Some causes, like a minor injury, are easily noticed and can be treated easily.

Others, however, may be a symptom of chronic underlying health issues that require immediate medical attention.

Medical conditions that result in swollen feet include.

1. Heart failure

Heart failure makes the heart not pump blood as effectively as it should. This makes the blood in the leg veins that should be pumped back to the heart instead pool in the veins.

2. Liver disease

Certain liver diseases can cause low blood levels of a protein known as albumin, which is made in the liver. Low albumin levels make fluid in the blood flow into the tissues, leading to swelling not only on your legs and feet but also other body parts, like the hands and face.

3. Kidney disease

Fluid can accumulate in the tissues if disease makes it difficult for the kidneys to get rid of excess fluid in the body (one of the vital functions of the kidneys).

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