Saying hello to neighbors could boost your well-being, a new survey says
Saying hello to your neighbors can lead to social success, and improve a...
How to use the inconvenience of load shedding to make money
The burden of finding out how to stay warm, cook, have light, and...
5 kitchen myths that mothers swear by
Hacks make our life easier. That being said, it’s not easy for...
The essential guide for an unforgettable South African wedding
It’s known around the world as ‘The Rainbow Nation’ and for good reason,...
Experts reveal 5 top mistakes people make when exercising and dieting
A well-planned diet can improve performance and reduce injury risk when you are...
Why you shouldn’t travel with your s*x toys
Condoms can take a rough ride, but deep down they are delicate little...
9 smart tips to say NO to an invitation without offending anyone
Declining an invitation can be a delicate task because you do not want...
Top 5 exercises to regulate your menstrual cycle
Irregular periods are a common problem for many women. A regular menstrual cycle...
10 beauty tricks to conceal dark circles
Dark circles under the eyes can make you appear tired and can be challenging...
9 indoor games that will bring you and your spouse closer
Spending quality time with your spouse through indoor games can be a fun...
7 weight loss tips nobody wants to talk about
Everyone wants to get rid of the excess or unwanted body fat. In...
How to stop taking things so personally
Learning how to stop taking things personally is a skill that can improve...
Why pregnant women should limit their time spent on mobile phones
Mobile phones have become an inseparable part of our lives. It is really...
How to deal with workplace break-ups
When an office romance fails, it is bound to create a rather messy situation. It...
6 natural mosquito repellents you can prepare with kitchen ingredients
The sound of buzzing is never a good sign, as it usually comes...
Smokers who start below age 20 find it difficult to quit, study finds
The legal age to buy tobacco in many countries is 18 years while...
9 tips to save money without sacrificing the things you love
Saving money is an important aspect of financial stability, but it can often...
Keep these 6 tips handy if you want to avoid jet lag on your next holiday
Being a globetrotter is one of the most coveted things in the world....
5 reasons women don’t have to shave their armpit hairs
here has been a debate, especially among feminists about the importance of shaving...
3 easy and effective ways to store cooked meals
Cooking excess food is a common thing in every household, but how you...
Starting a new relationship the right way: 8 key etiquette rules for the talking stage
When getting to know a potential lover, you do not want to mess it up....