Age vs genetics: Which has a bigger influence on how we age?
The secret to how we age lies not in our DNA but in...
6 reasons to drink more of white wine
Red wine has been researched to be one of the healthiest diets in...
Why falling in love in your 30s is the best experience
Once you’re in your mid-twenties, you will automatically start feeling that aging should...
Can pregnant women wear heels? Here is what experts have to say
The nine-month journey of pregnancy is no less than a roller coaster ride. During the...
5 habits that are making people disrespect you
Being nice, selfless and likeable are all qualities that are praised. From a...
5 superfoods that help reduce blood sugar levels
High blood sugar levels can be an early indicator of diabetes and can...
7 women share the biggest turn-off behaviours in men
Have you ever had a long-standing crush on a guy, but that one...
5 hygiene practices to maintain while using a menstrual cup
A menstrual cup is a sustainable period product. Not only is it an...
5 food dos and don’ts for the perfect date night
A decedent cheeseburger or a humble leafy salad — what would you pick...
6 reasons to drink alkaline water & how to make it
We can all agree that water is an essential need for body health,...
5 pink lakes in the world that are definitely worth visiting
Mother Nature has given us so many wonderful gifts that it is almost...
5 ways to keep your employees happy and engaged
When you start your own business or firm, you want to make your...
Different glassware for all kinds of alcoholic drinks
Wines, scotch or vodkas, whatever is your poison, the fact is that different...
5 premature aging signs you shouldn’t overlook
Your body goes through various changes as you age. Not only are there...
7 things you need to have in your maternity bag
For first-time mums, the journey through pregnancy is normally filled with worry and...
Why social media is a fake world
The world of social media is a complex one. It has been exposed...
7 modern breakup trends you should avoid
Ending a relationship can be quite tough and honestly, nobody wants to see...
6 reasons why live-in relationship before marriage is a good idea
Couples living together before marriage is still seen as a scandalous topic in...
4 different types of garlic and which is the best
Considered one of the closest relatives of onions, garlic is a widely used...
Weight loss: The best way to burn more calories with cardio
Cardio is a great way to start your weight loss journey. It is...
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to keep her children in South Africa
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to her estranged husband Jakob Schlichtig. The marriage ended after...