8 basic types of perfume you should know about
Perfumes not only help us to smell good but offer various other amazing...
Why is turmeric a strict NO for kidney patients?
Turmeric is an integral part of cooking culture, from adding colour and flavour...
4 tips to meet a dating app match in real life
To meet or not to meet? That is the question. But, if you’ve...
These homemade drinks can heal stomach ache and discomfort
Blame it on seasonal change or overeating, the discomfort caused by an upset...
How to boost s*x life in your 30s
Sex life should be great not just in your prime 20s but throughout...
The ultimate weight loss fruit salad
If you are on a weight loss journey, then you know how important...
5 tricks to earn cashback on your shopping
Shopping can be very overwhelming especially when you have an endless shopping list....
6 life rules you should never break for anyone
No matter how big a rule breaker you are, some things in life...
7 signs in your child you shouldn’t neglect to avoid mental disorders
It’s normal for a child to have ups and downs, but parents should remember that...
Easy recipe to make delicious zucchini bread at home
If you are tired of eating your bread the same old way, then...
8 remedies to relieve dry lips during pregnancy
As an expectant mother, your body will undergo changes, which is natural. If...
6 healthy snacks that’s perfect for movie binge watching
The weekend has arrived, so is your watch-list! We all look forward to...
7 things you should never forget as a side chic
Back in the day, affairs were talked about in very low tones. An...
6 amazing benefits of grapes for skin & hair
The Queen of Fruits- Grapes are easily available in the market throughout the...
10 house hunting mistakes to avoid in the South African market
If you want to find the home of your dreams, you can’t be...
5 s*x myths you should stop believing
It’s surprising how myths have the power to alter our reality. We have...
How to attract a trustworthy man
I know we all think we want a bad boy, but in reality,...
4 ways to remove brain fog and enhance your memory
Do you occasionally have a sense of disorientation, confusion, or loss of concentration?...
9 healthy snacks to munch during pregnancy
A proper diet for a pregnant woman includes foods which contain just the...
Planning a second wedding? Here are 4 things to bear in mind
When organizing a wedding for the first time, it may feel as if...
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to keep her children in South Africa
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to her estranged husband Jakob Schlichtig. The marriage ended after...