Top 10 richest countries in the world
The world is changing and moving fast day by day and daily new...
4 ways to make amends with your colleague
Miscommunication, errors, misunderstandings are all a part and parcel of life and that...
How to easily grill fish in your microwave
Grilled fish is a meal for special occasions, but cravings can have you...
8 things every mother needs to know before having a second child
During pregnancy, your uterus alone has to expand nearly 500 times its size...
3 home remedies to get rid of bitter taste after illness
A bitter taste in your mouth can be a result of a wide...
What happens to your body when you stop having s*x? Here are all the pros and cons
S*xual activity has the potential to improve or maintain health on different levels...
6 things that happen to your skin when you eat walnut everyday
Eating just half a cup of walnuts daily can lower cholesterol levels and benefit your overall health....
5 signs of cervical cancer that women must not ignore
When you are young and healthy, cancer would probably be the last disease...
Is it love or addiction? 6 signs you’re unhealthily obsessed with your partner
Love is great. You’ve finally found someone who finds all your little quirks...
How to include vitamin C in your beauty regime
If there’s one ingredient you need to empower your skin regime with, it’s...
5 obvious signs your man isn’t enjoying s*x with you
What everyone agrees to, though, is that s*x is very important to the...
5 things you should never do in an online job interview
The world has learnt to go online, especially the corporate sector. Most job...
Here’s the best age to get pregnant if you have PCOS
PCOS is a big lifestyle risk which impacts most women, and causes a...
4 salty foods that may increase the risk of hypertension
High blood pressure or hypertension is a slow-progressing disorder that opens the door...
5 zodiac signs likely to hide their emotions
Not everyone is expressive of their emotions. It takes a lot of time...
5 ailments pawpaw leaf extract can can fight naturally
If you don’t know the medicinal capacities of papaya (pawpaw leave) beyond being...
Why you should cut off unhealthy, one-sided relationship
So I bet you read this headline and thought, “Well, because it’s one-sided,...
5 wonderful benefits of argan oil for hair
Argan oil is an essential beauty and skincare product but especially important for...
10 best side-hustles in South Africa right now
A recent report by the Henley Business School shows that as many as...
7 signs your relationship is too immature to last
Sometimes, you can be with the right person at the wrong time. Maturity...
8 ways to know if you have healthy skin or an unhealthy one
Understanding the health of your skin is essential for maintaining its natural glow and overall...