7 best foods for high blood pressure
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the most common preventable risk factor for...
8 dos and don’ts in a new relationship
The beginning of a new relationship can be both exciting and tricky. Someone...
5 insightful reasons you don’t have any friends
Do you seem to lose touch with friends? Are you repetitively being let...
7 amazing benefits of Tree tea oil for skin and hair
Tea tree oil is a natural wonder. It is an old medicinal plant derivative,...
5 ways to excel in life regardless of your obstacles
Obstacles are the stumbling blocks that prevent you from reaching your goals. They...
Pumpkin leaf: The health benefits of this plant are unbelievable
Pumpkin leaf is a dark green leafy vegetable found in the tropics, rich...
3 reasons men disappear after a great first date
You finally met a good one from that dating app, it feels like...
8 most common lies men tell in relationships
Everyone lies in their relationship – either to keep arguments from happening, to...
5 things manipulative partner say to keep you in an emotionally abusive relationship
Have you ever felt that you are being controlled, manipulated or pressured? They...
5 side effects of Garlic you must be aware of
If you happen to be a garlic lover who loves to gorge on...
8 superfoods that naturally cleanse your liver
If you have been slugging through the day extremely exhausted or just struggling...
7 ways to deal with an unsupportive partner
There’s nothing worse than having a partner who’s not supportive. It can be...
7 ways perfectionism is ruining your relationship
It’s a good thing to set high standards for yourself and others, but...
5 anxiety symptoms that might point to a disorder
Everyone can expect to have the occasional bout of anxiety—maybe you get nervous...
5 best yoga poses to help break bad habits
Everyone has a bad habits they wish they could break. When you practice...
5 ways to avoid over-eating at night!
It is often said that one must have a heavy breakfast, because our...
10 amazing benefits of green apples for skin, hair, and health
As the saying goes “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, and...
Chironji: 6 amazing reasons to include this nut in your diet!
Chironji, also known as Charoli, is commonly used as dry fruits. Often used...
10 side effects of drinking too much water
Water is essential for your life and well-being. But drinking too much of...
8 foods that can really make your skin glow
Even though products matter, healthy skin really does start from within. If you...
10 best nail colours for light-skinned girlies
Your nail color can make a huge difference in enhancing your overall look, especially if...