How to handle a friendship that’s growing cold
There is nothing like a friend who is by your side through different...
6 make-up tips to make you look younger
Women apply make-up for various reasons. Some do it to hide imperfections while...
5 smart ways you can make your rands work for you
As South Africa kicks off Money Smart Week, it is important to reflect...
5 supplements that make the v*gina smell and taste better
When it comes to vaginal health, what you eat has such a huge...
7 women confess why they rejected a guy after meeting for the first time
So, you went on a date with a woman and everything went smooth....
Shakes on a plane: Here’s why you may feel drunker when consuming alcohol on an aircraft
Ever wonder why you feel most tipsy while drinking on a plane? For most...
How to take care of your personal hygiene during breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is a precious bond between mother and baby, providing essential nourishment and...
5 benefits of having s*x with an older man
Sex with younger men is more experimental but when it comes to older...
9 most bizarre jobs in the world
As kids, we’ve always been asked this question and our mad-cap answers answers...
7 reasons to choose a cruise holiday for your next getaway
If you are looking for a new and unique experience for your next...
5 surprising beauty benefits of tea bags you need to know about!
Be it black tea or green tea, odds are that almost everyone has...
Couples who spend more on their weddings are more likely to divorce, study finds
In times when the wedding industry is making billions, this study is bound to shake...
7 countries famed for their hospitality
Hospitality is a cherished trait in many cultures around the world. Here are...
The 5 different types of intimacy every relationship need
Intimacy is a crucial aspect of any healthy and fulfilling relationship. It goes...
How to avoid the itchiness while chopping starchy vegetables
As good as starchy vegetables tastes, it is quite a task to prepare...
5 things you should never tolerate at work
There are things that you should not tolerate at work , because they...
Meet the Japanese man who spent R260,000 to transform into a dog
In a world full of weird occurrences that we get to see every...
How to make the most of your holiday budget
As the cold and wet weather persists, South Africans find themselves yearning for...
5 common weight training mistakes every newbie must avoid
Lifting weight isn’t only about bulking up. It is as necessary for those...
9 bad kitchen habits you need to stop practicing today
The kitchen is a well-planned space that makes cooking a completely interactive experience....
How wearing a suit to work enhances your performance, according to science
Wearing a suit to work can have a variety of psychological and physiological effects that...