5 vital reasons why warm up is necessary before workout
Recently, many fatal heart attack cases came to the fore and this generated...
3 tips on how to plan a budget trip to Dubai
In a city bustling with luxurious resorts, fine dining restaurants and designer boutiques,...
People who fight with a partner live longer, study finds
Most of us feel guilty after having an argument with a lover but it seems...
5 ways to elevate your hairstyle with accessories
Accessoring your hairstyle allows you to unleash your creativity and make a bold...
5 meals to make when there’s no electricity
Loadshedding in most cases is something difficult to deal with because you are...
5 ways to be an understanding partner during wedding planning
It can be quite a stressful time for couples to plan their wedding....
First time skydiving? Here are 5 things to keep in mind
Entering the new world of first time skydiving can be just as overwhelming...
How to preserve nutrients while cooking vegetables
Do you know that more than half of the nutrients in the vegetables...
9 reasons why nice guys always get friendzoned
Why is it that girls always choose the douchebag over the good guy?...
6 SA hot-spring resorts to warm you up this winter
Winter is here and getting warm and cosy is at the top of...
3 money apps young people can use to take control of their finances
Now more than ever, young South Africans need to manage their finances as...
How each zodiac sign behaves when they lose interest in their partners
Relationships can get very tricky as you fare deep into its web. While...
Here’s why you should never wash your hair at night
Do you prefer to wash your hair at night to avoid getting up...
Planning to study abroad? Here’s what you need to know
According to Brent Morris, the managing director at Sable International Study Abroad, an...
How to clean nose piercing at home
Cleaning a nose piercing is important to prevent infections and promote healing. Here’s a step-by-step...
5 ingredients that must be on every child’s plate
All parents want to give their children the best nutrition possible. They want...
6 things to avoid on social media when you are in a serious relationship
We all know and should know certain behaviors should cease or be very...
5 best body language tips for your next interview
Working hard for your upcoming interview is a must. With ample knowledge at...
Meet the Aka tribe where men breastfeed babies
Traditionally, breastfeeding is commonly associated with mothers, but not in the Aka tribe....
World Gin Day: The perfect gin cocktails and food pairings
June 10 is World Gin Day, a day that celebrates a spirit that...
7 smart ways to identify fake garlic
Garlic is an integral part of any kitchen. Even international cuisines swear by the magic...