5 signs a woman really likes you, based on her texts
It can get a tad bit complicated to figure out a woman. Especially...
Chef debunks common food pairing myths you should stop believing
Many foods are commonly paired together for taste: fruit jam and peanut butter, ham...
10 clever & cheap ways to warm your home this winter
Winter is fast approaching, and that means chilly, dark mornings and cold, long...
4 things Mihlali Ndamase has taught us about make up
My dear babes in makeup land, let’s take a moment to appreciate the...
A look into Africa’s best street foods
It is fast and easy, but never lacking in flavour – that is...
No s*x? Here are 4 ways to have fun in your celibate relationship
And it is an important question, given that sex is such an important...
How to style your Crocs without looking basic
It’s the season when people want to be cosy and warm. During autumn and...
3 signs you’re not cleaning your butt properly
Keeping your intimate health hygienic goes a long way in protecting your overall...
Weight loss: Here’s why you should not run every day
Running is an excellent form of physical activity. It is cost-effective, easy to...
5 people you should never date, no matter how badly you want them
When it comes to who we should date or marry, avoid these five...
4 ways to quit your job without burning bridges
The thought of quitting your job is accompanied by a reoccurring fear of...
12 Guinness world records held by South Africans
A world record is one of man’s highest aspirations. Once you achieve it,...
Why you shouldn’t kiss your dog on the mouth!
Kissing your dog on the mouth may seem like the most affectionate thing...
9 small changes that can bring down your grocery bill big time
Grocery shopping is not just time-consuming but is also heavy on the pocket,...
Is your date into you or lying? Here’s what their blinking says about them
Going on a date for the first time with a stranger can be...
Here’s what happens to your body if you eat pizza every week
Pizza is one of the most popular foods, albeit junk foods. It’s delicious,...
5 benefits of doing the ‘pillow talk’ with your partner
Pillow talk is a conversation that happens between the couple in the bedroom....
9 ways to get the best out of coconut oil in winters
Winter is the perfect time to reap the benefit of this miraculous product...
These 7 dangerous cleaning mistakes are costing you your health!
If you are someone who loves a clean house, this article is for...
8 things women should know about pregnancy tests
Some 100 years ago, women had to pretty much guess whether they’re pregnant...
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to keep her children in South Africa
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to her estranged husband Jakob Schlichtig. The marriage ended after...