How to leave a relationship gracefully
No matter how great a relationship is going initially, sometimes there comes a...
10 amazing facts about rooibos tea
Known as Red Tea or Red Bush Tea, this remarkable tea from South...
How to maintain good v*ginal hygiene with an infection
There is a way to care for your underwear when you have a...
4 reasons to include Zambia on your travel list
Africa is one of the most beautiful continents in the world. What makes...
Eat these soaked superfoods on empty stomach to boost immunity
The term “superfoods” refers to foods that are nutrient-dense and low on calories....
5 food you should swap for weight loss diet
When you are on your weight loss diet, there’s no need to say...
4 ways to reset your sleep schedule after holidays
While holidays can be a lovely time of rest and relaxation, they are...
6 reasons why you may be too hard to date
Do you find difficulty in finding a partner or every single one of...
3 easy ways to make and store garlic paste
Garlic paste is an essential kitchen staple that is used to flavour a...
Here’s why you don’t need to feel sore after a workout to know it’s worked
“No pain, no gain” is a commonly used expression when it comes to...
UV nail dryers used for gel polish might cause cancer, study shows
According to a study published in Nature Communications, ultraviolet (UV) nail polish dryers,...
8 ways to beat pre-wedding depression and anxiety
Given its popularity, everyone wants to be a designer bride. Not getting your...
Are cheat meals some sort of disorder?
According to a new study, published in the journal Eating Disorder, more than...
5 African goddesses with interesting histories
Africans have always believed in supernatural beings even before Christianity was brought to...
Everything you need to know about vegan skincare
More and more people are joining the vegan movement and opting for a...
Resuming s*x after birth: Here’s what to do
Pregnancy can bring a world of difference to your life and your relationship...
10 business ideas that could earn you big this year
As 2023 begins, budding entrepreneurs are bubbling with ideas to strike gold. What...
6 things only the right man will do for you
When someone genuinely falls in love with you, it can be a beautiful...
7 hacks that will change your skincare game
Glowing and healthy skin is always in demand. Overall, it gives the complexion a more...
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to keep her children in South Africa
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to her estranged husband Jakob Schlichtig. The marriage ended after...