Can a man be faithful to one woman forever?
Love and faithfulness are interlocked yet so different. A man can love one...
5 ways to get rid of man boobs
Boobs are usually a woman thing. Although men also have breasts, it’s unusual...
5 embarrassing things we do when we have a crush on someone
If you think you are the only person who acts weird or stupid...
List of all visa free countries for South Africans in 2022
Taking a break from the busy schedules of work and life just to...
Get rid of body odour with 5 natural alternatives to deodorant
When it comes to combating body odour, the first thing that comes to...
10 times in life you’re most likely to put on weight
In a woman’s life, there are many milestones. With those milestones come some...
5 tips to help your child withdraw from digital addiction
What would the world be like without technology? People today cannot survive without...
4 ways black and white thinking can hurt your relationship
Because you constantly fluctuate between “right” and “wrong,” “good” and “bad,” thinking in...
How to keep your home clutter free
If you think about it, there is a big difference between a house...
5 things you should know about orgasms
Orgasms are not always what we see in movies. They are hardly close...
Does Korean beauty hack of soaking face in ice water really work?
The most important step in a skincare routine is cleansing. When your face...
3 tips for addressing expectations in friendship
While it’s crucial to be proud of who you are and to assume...
Hair trends: What you need to know about microlinks
Microlinks are the newest and hottest hair trend right now. They’ve really been...
5 zodiac signs who hate very intensely
Some people just can’t socialise with other people, no matter how much effort...
Overexercising? Watch out for these 6 adverse side effects
Exercising and workouts are effective steps towards achieving your weight loss goals. It...
5 easy egg meals you should try
Eggs are some of the most versatile additions when it comes to different...
9 warning signs he doesn’t want to marry you
If you’re someone who wants to get married, it’s a given that you’ve...
What are the best homemade foods for pets?
As the saying goes, a healthy pet is a happy pet! All pet...
Alcohol has no health benefit for people under 40 years, study reveals
There is no health benefit to alcohol consumption in young people but it...
9 secrets every s*x therapist wants you to know
You’ve lost that loving feeling. Or you want to try something new in...
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to keep her children in South Africa
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to her estranged husband Jakob Schlichtig. The marriage ended after...