4 ways to negotiate salary after a job offer
More than what most realise, negotiating your salary discussion after the hiring process...
White vs. Brown bread: Which one should you eat?
Bread is a common breakfast item. It promotes satiety and also allows people...
7 common mistakes you must avoid if you want to enjoy your travels
After planning a prefect getaway with your friends, family or acquaintance you might...
What is helicopter parenting and does it really benefit your child?
There are many styles of parenting that you may take on to monitor...
4 fitness goals you must aim for instead of losing weight
Shedding kilos or getting into your old jeans is not the only reason...
How to get your sapios*xual partner in the mood
Sapiosexual is the word that describes anyone who finds intelligence to be another...
9 must-have foods when trying to conceive
Is it possible to improve your fertility by eating certain foods? Yes, it...
The 3 day rule in dating: Real or outdated?
Wait, is the three day rule still even a thing? When you’re flirting...
5 dangerous rivers in the world you should never step in!
Rivers are one of the best gifts of nature, essential for the survival...
4 healing benefits of laughter therapy in your life
On May 1, World Laughter Day is celebrated to manifest positive energy and...
What your child needs to know about puberty
As children step into their teen years, their bodies begin to experience certain...
5 health risks of s*xual intercourse with animals
The reason for this act is unknown, some speculate that they do it...
African dishes: 5 delicious traditional Tanzanian foods you should try
Nestled on the East African coast, Tanzania offers a glorious mix of different...
Here’s what Yo-Yo dieting can do to your body
Yo-Yo dieting, is often described as ups, downs and ouch! Another common name...
10 ways to encourage a reluctant reader
One of the challenges in helping a child with homework is when they struggle with reading and...
7 effective ways to get rid of garlic breath
Garlic is one of the flavors used in cooking, and it also has...
7 proven ways to make friends when you travel out of south Africa
There are a variety of reasons why you’ll be travelling out of South...
How long does it take a man to know he wants to marry you?
Every couple has their own story of how long it took for them...
6 foods to avoid while breastfeeding
Worrying about how what you eat can affect the development of your child...
Why one must never drink water after eating watermelon
Watermelon is not only low on calories but is also naturally sweetened, which...
Starting a new relationship the right way: 8 key etiquette rules for the talking stage
When getting to know a potential lover, you do not want to mess it up....